eLearning Program

SecurAcath product training is available through an eLearning program.

The training program has four modules:

  1. Introduction to SecurAcath
  2. Placement
  3. Care and maintenance
  4. Removal

Once you click on the below button, you will be redirected to a Clinical Exchange website where you will need to register and/or login

If you have already registered with TCXLMS.com, use the upper right side to LOG IN.

If you are NEW to TCXLMS.com, please use the left side to create a profile to gain access to your certificate and the webinar, once uploaded.

Nurse elearning

Drop-In Training Sessions

View recordings of drop-in SecurAcath training sessions led by experienced clinicians.  Each video provides information on proper use of the device with helpful tips and Q&A.

Select a button below to view a session

In-service Training

Clinical Education Specialist - Steve Wilson, RN


Target Acquired. Anchored in Position. Mission Accomplished.

Michelle L. Hawes,

Which Type of Central Venous Access Device Should We Choose In Patients With Covid-19?

Mauro Pittiruti
Catholic University Hospital, Rome – Italy

Catheter Securement Impact on PICC-Related CLABSI: A University Hospital Perspective

Mark Rowe MNSc., BSN, RNP, RN, VA-BC™
Dr Kevin Arnold, DNP, MSN, BBA, BA, BSN, RN
Timothy R. Spencer, DipAppSc., BHSc., ICCert., RN, APRN, VA-BC™


Vascular Access Device Securement – State of the Art

WoCoVA Meet the Experts webinar recording.  Watch three excellent presentations on the latest in VAD securement followed by Q&A.

Subcutaneous anchorage of PICCs – Fabrizio Brescia

Vascular Access Device (VAD) Securement in Neonates and Children – Amanda Ullman

Current Options for VAD Securement – Evan Alexandrou

COVID Commotion: Leading Change in Patient Care Dynamics (1 CE)

Healthcare has changed globally in the face of the pandemic. As much of modern healthcare halted surgeries and chronic patient care to manage the tsunami that COVID-19 brought, others took the opportunity to innovate and implement strategies to make care more effective balancing COVID-19 patient issues and patients managing other healthcare challenges.

Speakers: Dr. Matt Jones, MBBS, FRCA and MiKaela Olsen DNP, APRN-CNS, AOCNS, FAAN

Hosted by the Clinician Exchange

Once you click on the View Webinar button, you will be redirected to a Clinical Exchange website where you will need to register and/or login.

If you have already registered with TCXLMS.com, use the upper right side to LOG IN. If you are NEW to TCXLMS.com, please use the left side to create a profile to gain access to your certificate and the webinar, once uploaded.

SecurAcath placement illustration

Optimized Vascular Access in the COVID-19 Patient

Description: Central Venous Access in Critical Care has continued to evolve with practice variations, from managing complex infusion plans, intubated patients, and pronation of patients. The environmental and resource pressures of COVID-19 have brought to the forefront the challenges in managing Vascular Access in the intubated and critical care environments. This presentation will cover the recommendations that will minimize risks, reduce utilization of valuable resources and optimize patient care while reducing exposures to our healthcare providers.

Once you click on the below button, you will be redirected to a Clinical Exchange website where you will need to register and/or login.

If you have already registered with TCXLMS.com, use the upper right side to LOG IN.

If you are NEW to TCXLMS.com, please use the left side to create a profile to gain access to your certificate and the webinar, once uploaded.

SecurAcath placement illustration

The Global Vascular Access Network (GloVANet) introduces WoCoVA live!

WoCoVA live! two-day scientific program of International speakers discussing the impact of the COVID pandemic on the world of vascular access.

Took place June 17 and 18, 2020

Program recording can be viewed now

Registration is free